Saturday, March 8, 2008

Madeline McCann

From day one, I have been convinced that these people accidentally killed their little girl and disposed of her. I believe the so-called Tapas Seven are also in on the cover-up, to some degree.

These people have shown the emotion of a jelly fish from day one. I have never, ever been able to contemplate how they swanned off for drinks and dinner while leaving their BABIES defenseless and alone. By all accounts the children were as a result of IVF, surely even more wanted and nutured than a naturally conceived child, if thats possible. Yet off they went, leaving their babies alone in a foreign country, out of earshot, in an unlocked room.

I doubt they wouldve left their wallets lying around so carelessly.

I have followed this case as closely as I could from the early days. My opinion was formed very early on and has not changed, nor have I witnessed a thing to indicate I am wrong. I was gob-smacked when these people went on a publicity jaunt to the Pope while theoretically, their baby couldve been found at any tick of the clock, in God knows what state, begging for her mummy. Gerry's blog has also been a study in self-absorption. Who on earth, can calmly go for a run, and write about it in such a chatty manner afterwards, while their baby is missing and potentially being tortured at that very minute? And who else in their situation, calmly goes about hiring a publicity team and setting up a bank account to receive donations? Of course we know about Clarence etc, aren't they the ones who knew where Madeline was and that they'd get her home by Christmas? Have they changed their minds? So far they've managed to locate her in Morocco, Spain, Belgium...need I go on? They will not find her because she hasn't been abducted, she has been hidden, right under everybodys noses.

When I had my little baby girl (who has since morphed into a 15 year old princess), I couldnt even sit in the next door neighbours front yard with a baby monitor, to listen to a concert nearby by ROCK GOD Jimmy Barnes. I kept having to run to and fro checking the monitor. I drove my neighbour mad...."Im just going to run next door and whisper something, you listen for it ok?". After an hour of this I gave up and went home, to be with my baby, where I belonged.

I still suffer from this anxiety - my "babies" are now 11 and 15 and I STILL cannot leave them alone at home at night while I go out. Call me over-protective, but these children are the most precious things to me, and the thought of them coming to any harm while I was out partying with my mates, is my (and most parents) greatest fear.

Death Dogs, Pink Cats, Blue bags, Eggmen, Blobmen, whatever mystery surrounds this little girl's disappearance - the McCanns are as guilty as sin. Guilty of being selfish, careless liars who are guilty of criminal neglect.

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