Friday, March 21, 2008

I take it back....

Maybe Im not the most boring woman alive.

Ive been surfing through Blogger (still trying to find my dodgy stepfather - is he a figment of my imagination?) and some of those people out there are mindbogglingly dull. It doesnt seem to matter if they have hobbies or not - there are an overdose of scrapbookers on here who have the dullest lives imaginable. Ive got to wonder at the doting new mums who blog through their new babies lives - it makes for a very cute read but seriously girls, one day your baby will be 13 and will turn around and tell you you know nothing and are mental. Where are all the hand embroidered bibs then? And what sort of scrapbook shall we create for their teenage years? How exactly do you scrapbook the joys of pimples, slamming doors and sibling rivalry?

I love my kids to bits, always have. They remain the best thing I have ever done, my proudest and finest achievement. Living with a tween and a teen, however, is not particularly pleasant at times. I have permanently empty cupboards because they believe its their right to simply dirty another glass when you want another drink because hey, mum washes them! Ditto for towels. It seems like I never stop working.

So in between being a servant/cook/taxi driver for these two, and working full time for some moron who doesnt pay me enough, I simply dont have the time to scrapbook or create divine little morsels for my babies. And Im caring less as time goes by - I only have a certain amount of hours left at 42, and Im increasingly reluctant to waste them. I feel at the moment, I am wasting them, loitering online far too often. I need some sort of hobby which will make me a more interesting person, help me lose weight, make me more active and involved, yet still be able to be done in the 15 minutes a week I have to myself.

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