Thursday, March 20, 2008


Im not at all what you would call religious. I was sent to a Catholic girls high school, but that was more in the vain hope that I wouldn't succumb to being a H** Slut like my other schoolmates. Unfortunately my mother didn't realise that I was a complete innocent being thrown into a hoard of experienced harlots, and it was at Catholic school I first learnt the value of a good blow job. Mass was an excuse to sit quietly and nurse your hangover. The older I get, however, the more I realise that perhaps I shouldve paid a little bit more attention to the spirituality around me. Having spent the first half of my life denying HP, I want to spend the second part, discovering it.

Here I sit on this beautiful Good Friday. I am sitting in my lounge room, on a comfortable chair I own. I can hear the peaceful sounds around me of chirping birds (theres always bird noise in Australia), my dishwasher faintly rumbling in the kitchen. I own the dishwasher and the kitchen too. My kids are pottering quietly around the house. The cat is washing herself on the floor. On a very nice rug, that I also own. I have no health problems, money problems (apart from being eternally broke), my kids are happy and I have good friends and a roof over my head which I can afford to pay for. We are going on the holiday of a lifetime to Asia in about 7 weeks, which I can also afford to pay for, alone, with no child support from the donor. Ive got soup bubbling on the stove and clean washing to fold. The house is dusty as can be, but nothing I cant handle. I have pot and some beer and wine in the fridge. I have a friend right next door.

Life doesnt get much better than this.

I would like to thank whoever/whatever Higher Power that has looked after me so well in my perilous journey through life. I often feel your guiding hand. I have always been a lucky person and its got me through many many bad things. It is only as I get older that I realise that luck was a guardian angel, helping me when I couldnt help myself. How blessed I have been in having my peaceful happy life now, with my beautiful children. Thank You.

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