Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dullest woman alive?

As I scroll through other peoples blogs, it occurs to me that I am apparently the dullest woman alive.

I have no baby to gush about, no husband to praise, no scrapbooking projects to display.

How is it possible that I have got through 42 years of life without any sort of hobby at all? I read prolifically and surf the net but apart from that, I cant think of a single interesting thing about me.

For example, heres what I did yesterday;

1. took day off work, paid bills, surfed the net
2. Daughter came home, demanded I cook her lunch (she is 15). I said, cook it yourself, Im not your slave.
3. Called in to neighbours house, had to get her to witness our passport applications. Spent a fair bit of time checking to make sure I had filled them out right.
4. Had to go back to neighbours, to get her to re-do.
5. Son got home from school, received a grilling re. that evenings dinner plans (whats for tea) phone call from trish who wanted to call in for half an hour.
7.Had to grab kids (under extreme protest) and drag them down to the post office to lodge their passport forms (Easter the next day, no post offices open). Found out they are incorrect. I cannot get my children passports as I am not officially an Australian Citizen.
8. phone call from trish wondering where we were.
9. rushed into bottle shop, stood behind 2 alcoholics panic buying, briefly thanked HP that particular addiction never stuck.
10. arrived home, poured champagne, half hour visit with trish. rest of champagne down the sink.
11. whats for tea? gave them money to walk down to fish and chip shop to give me half an hours peace.
12. ate fish and chips with kids
13.sat on couch and surfed the net till eyelids turned to sand.
14. went to bed.

thats it! exciting isnt it?

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